Working with my webdesign and marketing company, we asked the question 'what do Pathway Balancing clients need help with the most?' After researching the past four year's practice records, we found the answer. The biggest problems are physical and structural ones and the area most affected is the head and neck region. People have been coming for help with headaches, neck tension, blocked sinuses, migraine, tinnitus, vision disturbances and a lost sense of smell. These problems can be helped with both craniosacral therapy and kinesiology, according to the client's preferences.
Are You Ready to Be Your True Self?
Personal development underpins a successful pathway to the fulfilment of your dreams and heart's desires. It is believed that only 5% of people are living out their personal dream today. Many people would seem, therefore, to be struggling under pressure or quietly enduring a soul-destroying half-life. When we are blessed these days by so many opportunities to change our life for the better, why do so few people reach out for these better ways? What a tragic waste of opportunity and personal potential. Rather than live life to the full, some choose to present a 'cardboard cut-out' of themselves - playing a role, behaving in ways they think will make them acceptable or get others to do what they want. The effect is a deepening loss of self-worth and fulfilment, with a need to hide, feeling cut-off, isolated or depressed. There may come a fork in the road where this becomes intolerable and some may even cry out to God to ask why this is allowed to happen to them. This point can be a deciding factor in the future direction of a person's life. So what makes the difference between those who are crushed under the weight of their false, disempowered self and those who rise up with wings like eagles, strong, confident and succeeding?
Wanting life to be better isn't enough in itself. There has to be action and faith. It's time to step out and begin living to the full today. When a person turns up for their first appointment, retreat day or training course at Pathway Balancing, they are ready to be their true self. They have taken that first crucial step of faith and will discover more about the underlying causes that are affecting their energy-levels, financial situation or relationship issues. They will begin to change and start to feel different in some way, seeing things differently. Coming for the second appointment or training session, demonstrates that they are willing to change from the old way of life to a better one. At the third session of treatment or training, the person is getting strong enough to be able to change and grow. However, by this time, most people have hit an obstacle of some sort and are finding there is resistance to change - either internally or externally. The people who will find the way to a truely fulfilling life are the ones that make it through to the fourth session and beyond. These people are the ones with enough courage to stand firm and refuse to go back to the way they were, to the 'cardboard cut-out', the burn-out, the impoverishment, the isolation. They are the ones who will process the flood of emotions, revelations and physical changes in order to become the truely amazing person that was hiding underneath the veneer of pretence. To fulfil our true potential in life we must press on beyond our comfort zone at times. We will never break out into freedom and increased choices if we don't stretch out our wings and endure a bumpy, uncertain ride at times. Watching the flight of an eagle may be breathtaking and inspiring but those wings didn't become strong and accurate without a lot of flapping and hurtling over the edge of the cliff. Confidence and faith come from learning to overcome limitations. Flying confidently and strongly, by faith gained from the lessons God has given, is a much better way of life than clinging to the insecure, crumbled rocks of the past. Are you prepared for life to be great today? Are you ready to be your true self?
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Less Pain, More Energy
The basic outcomes of holistic treatments like acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, kinesiology and craniosacral therapy are ultimately less pain and more energy. While there are excellent forms of fast & effective pain relief available, the holistic process is about resolving the underlying causes over a period of time. A holistic practitioner works through the layers of the client's problem, at whatever speed or depth the person is able and willing to go to. For example, the client may have come with a physically painful or restricted condition, such as a tight shoulder joint, immobilising back pain or recurring headaches or migraines. At their surface, these conditions could be managed with pain-relieving drugs, rest, physical manipulation or in some cases a surgical operation. A holistic practitioner will go to the next underlying layer of the body's fluids, such as blood circulation, cerebrospinal fluids (CSF), lymph, digestive fluids, hormones or the very fine, subtle water-vapour content of the acupuncture meridian flow. If any of these are stagnant, blocked or off-course, the physical structures of the body will be affected, and in turn will further impede theses fluids through tension, torsion or misalignment. This can result in low energy levels, or even pain, if left unresolved. So how can these conditions be resolved by a holistic therapist?
With hands-on body-work treatments, like kinesiology and craniosacral therapy, the practitioner can muscle-test or feel by palpation, giving the body physical support and attention. Hands-on contact, in very specific and sensitive ways, acts like the hands on the potters wheel, reshaping the underlying substance with the help of plenty of fluids. As a result of good holistic treatment, a client may experience symptoms of these fluids flushing and draining stagnant, ingrained or blocked tissues and toxins. Feeling heavy, looking pale or experiencing night sweats are followed by greater clarity, reduced pain and improved energy levels. Blocked and built-up over-energy causes pain in one area and reduced energy flow 'downstream'. So releasing these energy blocks, and increasing fluidity, promotes real, lasting health. Some clients want to know the causes of these fluid imbalances and to resolve these underlying layers too. Doing so creates not only less pain & more energy but also an increased capacity to live life to the fullest, with more creativity, better relationships and a sense of real aliveness. The choice is there for each person to make, on an ongoing journey of health. Pain and decreased energy rob people of joy and the ability to fulfil their destiny. The heart of a good holistic practitioner wants to see their client restored to their true selves. The best way to be is living life to its fullest expression, as co-creators of our daily life experiences, on course for living our dream.
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Giving the Care that Doctors Can't Give
I recently made a rare phone call to book an appointment at my local NHS Practice. It's all different these days! I was put on a call back list & later a doctor (I think?) rang me back and seemed to go through a script while typing my answers into a computer. I passed & was given an appointment for later that day. In the same week, a client came to me with a painful shoulder, and restricted movement, that was also disturbing her sleep. It turns out she had also called the same GP Surgery but had failed the test and didn't get an appointment. She was advised to buy over-the-counter pain relief (no prescription) and if it hadn't worked after 6 weeks call them again, which she did. She was then given an over-the-phone diagnosis of frozen shoulder and the options of physiotherapy (largely ineffective) or an injection into the joint (painful) were discussed. My client really wanted someone to examine her shoulder and give her caring, effective treatment. In her opinion, this was no longer available at the local NHS level because of cost savings by medical centres. So she booked a session of craniosacral therapy at my practice, costing her £44 for an hour's consultation and treatment. In that hour, I listened to her description of the problem, checked the range of mobility of her shoulder and assessed her posture. She was then given 45 minutes of gentle, but effective, hands-on treatment for her shoulder, neck and head. At the end of her appointment she looked bright eyed but relaxed. She felt pleasantly sleepy and intended to go for a walk and then have an early night. The next morning she texted to say that, after a good night's sleep, her shoulder had more movement than for the past 6 weeks and felt much more comfortable. I was delighted for her & asked her to pass on the message to others, so they could get the care that doctor's can't give.
In the caring professions, medical practitioners in the NHS work within a system that is changing in response to the financial realities of offering a high-tech, highly paid professional service, free at point-of-use to its clients. My local surgery allows 10 minutes per patient, while I allow an hour plus 10 minutes to pay and book the next appointment. The difference between pay and benefits for NHS employees and incomes for holistic self-employed practitioners is vast. However, the level of satisfaction that comes from taking time to be with a person, caring for their needs and seeing the results is priceless. Clients, patients, people - we need care and attention when we feel ill or vulnerable. When our body is causing us pain or discomfort, we benefit enormously from skilled, hands-on treatments. Craniosacral therapy gives exactly that kind of care. Kinesiology is all about restoring health by hands-on testing to 'ask the body' what's needed for the person. The foundational training for kinesiology is called 'Touch for Health' and does exactly what it says. Both kinesiology and craniosacral therapy were developed by chiropractors and kinesiology has the added benefit of working with the acupuncture meridians. To become a professional craniosacral therapist or kinesiologist takes at least two-years, but Touch for Health can be learnt over a few days and is safe and gentle for use at home or at work, for yourself or others. As the realities of financial considerations affect the choices we make in healthcare, it is possible for everyone to learn to give the care that doctors can't give - time and hands-on contact.
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Releasing Attachments & Building Relationships
Having an attachment to someone is not the same as building a relationship with them. An attachment can be one-sided and an attempt to fulfil an unmet need in yourself. A relationship requires more from both people. Forming attachments can be a helpful stage on the healing journey and a sign of progress after a period of isolation or over-independence. Maintaining attachments to past relationships may also be part of a process of rebuilding and regaining strength after a difficult period of change. When these attachments no longer satisfy our inner need for relationship, it is time to take the next step towards building fulfilling, two-way relationships. Old patterns will now surface and the trapped emotions, that limited us to one-way attachments, may come up to be released. This may be uncomfortable, even overwhelming at times, but the cleansing process will ultimately lead closer to the life we desire in our heart. How can we help this process to unfold and allow the new life to emerge?
Having the courage to slow down, and drop into a place of calm and peace, will allow space for old impulses and thought-patterns to surface. What are you tired of? What is it that's so dissatisfying about your life just now? How have you tried, unsuccessfully, to overcome these issues in the past? In craniosacral therapy, we allow the session to drop into stillpoints - moments of stillness, calm, peace and a sense of aliveness. This allows the cellular fluids to expand and flow, washing away the sediment that was held in old postures of tension and driveness. As the old fears, anxieties and thoughts surface, we can allow them to safely pass through, observing the old passing away to make way for fresh perspectives and ability to act. The Pathway Balancing Kinesiology journey starts with Touch for Health basic energy balancing, then takes us into the more advanced realms of holistic health to restore physical, emotional and electromagnetic aspects of health. We can then begin the journey of embodying more of our soul, through the heart, enlivened by the spirit. Taking time to appreciate the beauty of where we are can bring up grief at what has been lost. Breathing in peace, calm and safety can create gratitude to God for bringing us so far from our painful past. We can acknowledge our attachments as emotional and relational 'trainer wheels', helping us steady ourselves as we move away from past unhealthy connections and towards more open, healthy contacts. Vulnerability and openness are essential in building worthwhile, growing relationships. In an atmosphere of threat, oppression or neglect, it is not possible or desirable to cultivate these essential relational qualities. Take time to be at peace for a while, to revitalise, restore and reconnect with your aliveness. When you are ready, the trickle of new life will alert you that things are changing. Don't panic. Don't lose that sense of peace and calm within and around you. Take it with you into your new life and trust that all will fall into place gently, as you nurture your ability to care - both for yourself and others. Enjoy the journey.
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Lowering the Drawbridge
Candace Pert says, in her book 'Molecules of Emotion', that the body is the subconscious. In craniosacral therapy, we work with embodied memories held in the posture and body tissues. In Pathway Balancing Kinesiology we also work with the concepts of the Drama Triangle and Unity Triangle. Both therapies encourage surrender to the natural flow of life in the body, thereby avoiding becoming stuck in ever-repeating, sabotaging patterns. In the Drama Triangle, we take up a position in our relationships of an Oppressor, Rescuer or Victim. All these positions are centred around emptiness, neediness, deprivation and desperation and create reactions to get attention or control. We are reacting to life behind a hard, defensive wall. In the Unity Triangle, we place God at the top, as our highest priority and first in all we do. The other positions are side by side with another person, considering not only our own needs but also theirs. The Unity Triangle centres around divine power, fulfilment, care, appreciation and love. Our boundaries are softened and sensitive. We are alive. What happens now, when we face the edge of our world?
Now we come to the edge again, but this time our vision is focussed on the things we value most. We know we can find the courage and support to go for our dreams again. As we step forward, we can see that we are in a new season, preparing for a new birth, for fulfilment of a long held dream. We have matured in our experience of the whirlwind and now we know how to stretch out our wings and ride the spiralling currents. In this way we come down to land and realise, as we look back, that we have crossed the abyss. We have made it to the Promised Land. We are safe. And now it's time to lower the drawbridge, to open the way for a new life to begin. Our bodies feel good again; the sacral bone can be unstuck, the bowels begin to move, feet and legs are warm and life returns to our lower body, no longer uptight with defensiveness. We are safe and strong, supported and loved. As the drawbridge is lowered, who will emerge into this new, different, way of life?
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The Courage to Make it Through
The difference in the results from therapy sessions or training courses is made by the persons ability to press on through to a successful outcome. This ability will be mirrored in the person's approach to life. What happens when results don't come quickly enough, meet our high expectations or match our fantasies? How do we respond to pressures, obstacles or disappointments? Therapy and training give an opportunity to face life in microcosm. Craniosacral therapy and kinesiology explore embodied patterns that may be holding back our dreams and impoverishing our lives. The gentle power of the methods used in both therapies can then release blockages, undo reactive patterns and allow the body to rebuild connections and restore flexibilty and flow. So where does courage come into all this?
The ethos of Pathway Balancing is heart-based living. The word courage comes from the Latin word cuer which means heart. So heart-based living would include the heart quality of courage; the power to face difficulty, fear or pain with confidence and to act in accordance with your beliefs. The Pathway Balancing Journey has the capacity to take people into better health, greater financial freedom and more fulfilling relationships. By focusing on the desired outcomes, a client or student can persevere through the difficult times in life, in the belief that something better is possible on the other side. Growing up in a familly where there was a lot of drama, moodiness, anxiety or reactivity can create embodied patterns of emotional disconnect. It becomes a habit for the child to withdraw into confusion, imagination, studying, sulking or running away. Persevering through a course of therapy or training enables the person to repattern these tendencies to disconnect. Where relationships with people have been the cause of hurt or disappointment, the way to healing can be through a transcendent relationship with God or a grounded relationship with Creation. Developing a safe, trusting relationship with a practitioner can help restore the ability to connect in relationship again. Having the courage to keep coming for sessions when money is tight, aches and pains are flaring up or difficult issues are coming to the surface, will produce abundant rewards and give cause for celebration. The successfull outcome of therapy, training or life itself is greatly enhanced by the heart qualities of appreciation, gratitude, care, love and courage. It's all worth it once you realise you're going to make it through.
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What Are Your 'Flu Symptoms Really About?
At this time of year, many of us say or hear things like "I've had these 'flu symptoms for ages now...". I think I've picked up a bug....", "This throat infection is really uncomfortable...." but are these statements really true? Medically there is no cure for the 'common cold' and no infection or virus ever affects every single person - some people even survived the 'Black Death' plague of London! By dismissing 'flu-like symptoms as 'a bug/infection' we miss the message our body is giving us as a vital opportunity to really build up our strength and make sure our lives are on track for living the dream. Our body is designed to resist and defeat airborne germs, so if you 'catch a cold' how can you tell what's really going on and deal with the situation effectively? We need to look at the present, the past and then the future, to examine our resources, and demands on them, in each case.
In the present, if your symptoms are bad enough to disrupt sleep, interfere with your ability to work, exercise or carry out household tasks, take 3000mg of vitamin C daily until symptoms are less disruptive and than you can reduce to 2000mg of vitamin C until your symptoms have gone. Take 1000mg as a daily maintenance dose of vitamin C until after the spring equinox (around 21st March). You will need as much sleep & complete rest as possible. Check your other resources such as good food, warmth in the home & workplace, cosy clothes, enjoyable relaxation with a book, T.V., music or in pleasant company. Reflect on your current lifestyle. It's unlikely to be perfect but on balance is your life good, happy, relatively satisfying and going mainly in the direction you would like? How do you feel when you think about the future months or years ahead? Is there an uncertainty that makes you feel anxious, or a deadening feeling of hopelessness or maybe a situation coming up that will require a lot of your time or energy? How can you prepare your resources now? Do you need to prioritise what matters most to your heart? Can you pace yourself with more compassion? Is there something you can change that will reduce your financial outgoings, give you more time to relax or help you to be more connected with the people you care about and that care about you? To be realistic in your expectations about your capacity for achievement, what has happened in the past one to five years that may have depleted your resources? Did you start a new business, job or relationship? Have you been through a divorce, bereavement or redundancy? If you started a new job or business how were you on day one? Did you 'hit the ground running' or 'hit the floor bleeding' with little support, scarce finances or limited knowledge? If you began a new relationship, were you 'on the run' emotionally from a previous relationship that was difficult or even abusive?
Taking an overview of your present, future and past resources, and weighing these against your 'flu symptoms, will give you a more accurate picture of your health and well-being. Being tired, irritable, forgetful, sore, pale, restless or demotivated could all be signs of nervous exhaustion and a warning that your life is going off-track. A session of craniosacral therapy is relaxing, helps your muscles to release tension and opens up space for the nerves to flush through with fluids for 'an oil change'. Slow down, keep warm, get some rest and take time to ponder in your heart what really makes you feel alive. Then tomorrow you will be ready for a new day and a new life.
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To book a session of craniosacral therapy, e-mail now. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK
Secure the Perimeter Without the Defensive Wall
The years will pass anyway - the question is what state will you be in when they do. A new client often asks how long they need to come for therapy - the answer is "as long as you want to". One client reached a momentous day this week - she was finally secure and said that the defensive wall she used to have was gone. There was nothing in the way now and her long-held dreams were all unfolding into reality. It had been quite a journey, taking almost seven years. It had meant taking risks to step into the unknown, face up to people's lies and control, and slowly but surely, constantly reach out for the life she longed for. It had now paid off - something so many people never experience because they've stalled at the next fence and never tried again. So how does craniosacral therapy play it's part in the journey to security? Our bodies store and hold the memory of our soul's journey into embodiment: the soul coming into the energy field of the parents, the egg journey, the sperm journey, the conception process and the deepening into the genes. As we progress through our birth journey and into earthly life, we pick up messages from our parents, our family, neighbours, church, school, social life, work life and love life. We process these relational messages and 'join the dots' in our own unique way. We then hold our bodies and move in ways that protect us, nurture us, satisfy our curiosity and express our creativity. We are all born vulnerable and develop some degree of insecurity as the fallible human beings around us inevitably 'drop the ball' at times. We may need to put up an invisible defensive wall to hold ourselves together and stay safe from unpredictable people. These habitual mental and emotional processes create physical synaptic pathways in our brain and tension patterns in our muscles. The joy of successful therapy is when the levels of energy, ability to relax and capacity to resource ourselves all build up to the point where we no longer need the old defensive walls. The old synaptic pathways and muscular tensions have been broken down and dissolved, often through lack of use in our new freer lifestyle. We have the energy to be responsible for our own needs and allow space for others to deal with their own stuff too. We no longer have to be perfect and can tolerate the lack of perfection in others. We are free to be secure in our connection to life and be secure in our relationships with others. We have our safe, sensitive boundary that enables our life to flourish among others.
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To make your body the safe, secure vehicle for your soul's journey into paradise on earth contact us on info@pathwaybalancing for therapy, group days or training. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK
Are You Good Enough?
Why do we drive ourselves to exhaustion so often? Since the 1980's there has been an increasing trend in chronic fatigue, nervous exhaustion, M.E. and post-viral syndrome, with little that can be done to help medically. People with these conditions can rest but never feel refreshed, and no amount of sleep relieves the tiredness. I often work with clients who feel like this and find that craniosacral therapy is blissfully relaxing and delightfully refreshing for their whole system. To fully restore energy levels and prevent a reccurence of symptoms, it is good to get to the root cause and make permanent changes there. So how do we prevent this chronic pattern of exhaustion happening from now on? Exhaustion occurs when we fail to pace ourselves properly. It comes from driving our mind & body with the accelerator full-on, having to grip hard on the steering wheel of our activities and stand hard on the brakes to keep us from crashing. Living like this leads sooner or later to frustration and burn-out, knocking us out of the race altogether, either short or long-term. One of the mind sets that creates this unstable way of life is an underlying belief that we're not good enough. Somewhere in life, we've picked up an incorrect message that says whatever we do, we could be doing it better, or should be doing something else. This can lead us to focus on all the things we haven't done, the incomplete tasks that could leave us open to criticism, the overwhelming sense that the plan for the day ahead is impossible. All this rapid, negative thinking creates neural pathways that 'fur up' our brain, making us foggy-headed and tired. That's why the hands-on work and verbal dialogue of a craniosacral session is so valuable. The improved circulation of cerebrospinal fluid clears & refreshes the brain and spinal cord. Talking through your current challenges can help you to see a different approach to your day. When you understand how awesome your genetic construction was during conception, you see the truth that not only are you good enough, but you are also wonderful, unique and designed for a purpose and a destiny. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.
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Healthy Ways to Clear Shock from Your Body
The body can hold onto the effects of shock for as long as it needs to, in order to cope with a difficult situation. Only when you reach a safe space can this shock be released from nerves, muscles and mind. Shock can come from witnessing a violent event on another or feeling under threat yourself. Emotional shock can result from a revelation by someone close to you that affects the viability of your relationship. The shock can release itself by shaking, shivering, needing the toilet, vomiting or restless sleep. Healthy methods of clearing shock include talking to a professional therapist, making contact with a friend for support, having a bodywork therapy like craniosacral therapy or kinesiology, keeping warm, taking some quiet time for prayer & reflection, or even getting on with your daily activities.
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Revealing the Real, Secure You Under the Layers
This past week has been a time of seeing the fruits of a long journey towards wholeness, as layers of old, limiting patterns have been dissolving for so many people. In craniosacral therapy, practitioners work with the principle that everyone has a deep, core of health within their system. The aim is to allow that health to permeate through to the surface and beyond, transforming the person's life in the process. I've worked with clients at both ends of the process recently - those that are still stuck and those that are now flowing. I can apply my skills with equal diligence but the person must decide on their response and is the one that must live out the process beyond the therapy room. So what is the key difference between being stuck in old pain & patterns, or moving on into health? Being stuck & remaining in pain is frequently rooted in the need for control & trying to make things go our own way, according to our own plans. However, surrender can be a massive challenge and very difficult to tackle alone. The gentle process of craniosacral therapy allows the body to soften & dissolve embodied layers created by emotional control. This process may require time in order to build trust & not everyone is willing to make that investment. Seeing people who've made that investment, and who are now reaping the rewards of freedom from past pain, reminds me the journey is worth the effort. I'm seeing that rare jewel emerging from the layers - the real, secure person who has come through and made it home to the abundant life that a controlling spirit will never touch. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.
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How Does Your Money Reflect Your Soul?
In the Newsletter posted out to my current clients last week, I wrote about the value of money. I reflected on the times when money robs us of our joy and diminishes our true self, such as working for money at something you don't enjoy and may even struggle with in some way. I've recently re-read 'The Money or Your Life' by John Clark, which I first read in 2000 when I was employed in the financial services industry. He writes about leaving behind the angst of working for money in a job or profession that leaves you exhausted, miserable or anxious. He recommends aiming for bliss by shifting your focus into the domain of interests and activities that you really love and little by little moving into this domain as your place of work. Reading it now, having made that transition into the domain of helping people to develop their true, healthier self, I see how our finances reflect our soul and that the clue is in our body. In recent weeks, I've worked with several craniosacral therapy clients who are working on generating more income. Because I work at the soul energy level, I look for the answers in their mind/body connections, to see how their flow of financial affluence can be increased at the central organising point of the body/mind manifestation. Some examples of blockages to affluence were: a wall of tension at the front of the body, caused by an abusive ex-spouse; hardness in the lower back, caused by 'back stabbing' gossip by a previous employer; and abdominal pain rooted in childhood neglect. Using verbal dialogue and following the visions I was receiving in each of these cases, the hands-on work safely released the embodied blockages. In each of the examples above, there was a specific way forward into greater affluence: realising their current partner wasn't trying to take from them financially; self-employment was a calculated, manageable risk worth taking; and having time at home to completely relax is essential not time-wasting. Each client left refreshed, with their next steps towards affluence clearly identified. Lack of money, fear of spending or tensions between people over finances, all reflect a wounding in your soul. Pathway Balancing craniosacral therapy addresses issues that help your soul, mind, emotions, body systems and finances to flow in a healthier alignment, dissolving blockages.
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Call Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail for soul therapy as an individual or to book onto the 14th January's Soul Journey workshop.
Embodying Joy
In recent weeks, there has been a clear trend in the craniosacral therapy work at Pathway Balancing. This trend has been among craniosacral therapy clients who have been having regular sessions for between four and six years. It is a picture of a journey that started with painful, difficult to alleviate, symptoms, then passed through the dark, threatening uncertainty of the root causes of the problems, and is now emerging into the almost unbelievable truth that the old enemy is now fading away, back into the ever more distant past. It really is true that the person is free, that life is really about enjoying the people, the work, the renewed energy and growing prosperity that are appearing all around. The hands-on treatment and self-care work are now about embodying joy and the process of clearing the tiredness and symptoms of the past toxic lifestyle. Do you need to recover your joy? The joy of being alive is the natural state we were created to experience. We were made to live in relationship with one another and our divine creator. Once you know you are loved, there is more courage & strength available to you to wait for more of the good things in life to come. When you know that you are supported, you can stand firm on your principles and refuse to compromise on your values. When you know what a good relationship looks like & feels like, you are empowered to be open and available for a heart-based intimate relationship with someone who is real, not ideal. In craniosacral terms, your body systems can now flow, be open and enable you to stand up with a graceful alignment. You are ready, physically & emotionally, to let your light shine and express your true self. The message to the world is 'Here I am - love me or leave me - but I'm enjoying every minute, every deep, rich experience, of a life lived to the full'. Your body expresses the victory of a life that has overcome obstacles. You are a person that chooses to build a community based on the highest and richest of values. Your process is now about embodying joy.
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Assessing the Effects of Your Lifestyle
In craniosacral therapy, the treatment starts with an assessment of the client's resources. Because the treatment works by encouraging the production & flow of cerebrospinal fluid, the practitioner needs to get a sense of how much of this fluid is already present and how well it is flowing through the proper channels. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced deep inside the brain and flows out over the surface, around the cranium (skull) and down over the spinal cord. The fluid disperses out along the spinal nerves into the body tissues. So the CSF is closely associated with the healthy functioning of the nervous system. The therapist has a number of ways of assessing this vital fluid as well as other health resources. The two years of training will have developed the practitioner's sensitivity so that hands-on contact will establish how fluid the tissues feel and any pulse or current of movement present. Verbal questions to the client will also identify how the person's nervous system is functioning, as well as visual observations by the practitioner. You will discover, within minutes of starting your session, the effects of your current lifestyle. Recently I have worked with clients who are either in very stressful situations, or are experiencing alot of physical pain. In two cases in particular, I have been pleasantly surprised to discover the internal resources of the person's system are rapidly improving and taking them towards health and recovery much more quickly than was apparent at the start of the appointment. Both people have taken the self-care advice given during the session and are creating a lifestyle that is supporting them into a healthier, happier way of living. Not only are they on the way to recovery, they are emerging strong and able to enjoy a way of life they would not have developed had they not engaged in therapy to overcome their problems.
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To have the effects of your own lifestyle assessed, book an appointment for craniosacral therapy or kinesiology by phoning Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail You may also fill in the on-line Health Analysis for free advice by visiting the Nutrition page of the Pathway Balancing website now.
Opening to Freedom
Part of the work involved in craniosacral therapy is that of opening up stuck places in the body & mind. Regular monthly sessions open up the cranial and vertebral joints and the spaces in the meninges, allowing a freer flow of cerebro-spinal fluid. This enables the brain, spinal cord & whole nervous system to cool, heal and be properly supplied with vital nutrients. Combining hands-on treatment with verbal dialogue allows the mind to open and clear away old patterns of thinking. Mental pictures can be reframed to transform them into a new resource. I've been having craniosacral therapy every month for about six years now, and last week I experienced an opening and freedom that had never happened in a session before. We all tend to hold major amounts of tension in the back of the neck, especially in the O/A joint (occipito-atlantal joint) which can cause migraine and headaches. Migraine was the original symptom that led me to try craniosacral therapy about ten years ago. The migraine symptoms were severe for me, leaving me exhausted for two or three days afterwards. Now I can't remember how many years it's been since I last had any sign of a migraine. In my treatment last week I felt the O/A joint opening and freeing completely. I had been talking to my practitioner about blissful childhood memories of a secret garden I had found back then. I was completely safe from bullies there, as I was the only kid small enough to crawl through the hole in the brickwork. This memory of safety and joy, combined with the gentle hands-on contact, released the joint that had been stuck down in fear & anger for so long. The overall effect of the treatment was a realisation that I was now free to open up more in life, because I now know how to find safety and enjoyment in my present day living. Physically I felt like I had dived into a deep, warm, blue swimming pool. At the end of the treatment I almost leapt off the couch and stretched my arms out as far as I could. I was free and it felt good to be alive.
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Contact me now for a craniosacral treatment from Monday to Thursday - morning, afternoon or evening. Corrina. 01733 555 133
Thawing Out
As brighter days start coming and the weather stays above freezing, there is a sense of winter thawing out and beginning to pull away. I've noticed birdsong in the past day or two. Clients are coming for their first treatments since their Christmas & New Year holidays. Whether the holidays were wonderful or awful, there is now a common theme of moving forward into new beginnings, better health and restoration in relationships. This might be what we have in mind but the body is often on a different wavelength altogether. When regular treatments begin to take effect, we see the desired changes happening in ourselves and our circumstances. The flow of health, radiance and trust in the divine source of providence begins moving us deeper into our own personal Promised Land at last. At the same time, the body has a safe space in which to discharge and clear the dense, accumulated residues of the past. This can mean we still hold alot of tension and poor posture. If the negative circumstances of the past are still present in their closing stages, we might continue to experience headaches, insomnia, night sweats, a racing heartbeat or dry eyes. Like the winter, the deep, dense tissues of our body can take time thawing out and shaking off the past. With an hour a month of blissfully relaxing craniosacral therapy, this process can be much smoother and make more sense as we look back.
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Take Two Steps Back
Craniosacral therapy allows us to see the tangled knot of emotions that causes us so much tiredness and pain. It can be so easy at times to just keep going, doing things the way we're used to doing them, and blaming our tiredness or ill health on the time of year, the weather or the famous 'bug going around'. In a craniosacral therapy session there is time and space to talk about life's demands and to allow the body to release muscular tension created by our emotional containment in a challenging situation. New solutions can now emerge. The normal emotions we experience as we are growing up become embodied in the nervous system and muscles. This enables us to react quickly when we face a similar situation in later life. It is when this reaction begins to cause us problems that craniosacral therapy can help us learn a new response. By working with the body and the mind together, a new strategy begins to replace the old conditioned reactions to stress. A more relaxed body and clearer mind allows us to take two steps back: first, relax into your own body & be aware of your own needs; second, consider the needs of the people you love. Once you've taken these two steps back from a difficult situation, you are positioned to resolve any conflict with effortless power.
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