I recently made a rare phone call to book an appointment at my local NHS Practice. It's all different these days! I was put on a call back list & later a doctor (I think?) rang me back and seemed to go through a script while typing my answers into a computer. I passed & was given an appointment for later that day. In the same week, a client came to me with a painful shoulder, and restricted movement, that was also disturbing her sleep. It turns out she had also called the same GP Surgery but had failed the test and didn't get an appointment. She was advised to buy over-the-counter pain relief (no prescription) and if it hadn't worked after 6 weeks call them again, which she did. She was then given an over-the-phone diagnosis of frozen shoulder and the options of physiotherapy (largely ineffective) or an injection into the joint (painful) were discussed. My client really wanted someone to examine her shoulder and give her caring, effective treatment. In her opinion, this was no longer available at the local NHS level because of cost savings by medical centres. So she booked a session of craniosacral therapy at my practice, costing her £44 for an hour's consultation and treatment. In that hour, I listened to her description of the problem, checked the range of mobility of her shoulder and assessed her posture. She was then given 45 minutes of gentle, but effective, hands-on treatment for her shoulder, neck and head. At the end of her appointment she looked bright eyed but relaxed. She felt pleasantly sleepy and intended to go for a walk and then have an early night. The next morning she texted to say that, after a good night's sleep, her shoulder had more movement than for the past 6 weeks and felt much more comfortable. I was delighted for her & asked her to pass on the message to others, so they could get the care that doctor's can't give.
In the caring professions, medical practitioners in the NHS work within a system that is changing in response to the financial realities of offering a high-tech, highly paid professional service, free at point-of-use to its clients. My local surgery allows 10 minutes per patient, while I allow an hour plus 10 minutes to pay and book the next appointment. The difference between pay and benefits for NHS employees and incomes for holistic self-employed practitioners is vast. However, the level of satisfaction that comes from taking time to be with a person, caring for their needs and seeing the results is priceless. Clients, patients, people - we need care and attention when we feel ill or vulnerable. When our body is causing us pain or discomfort, we benefit enormously from skilled, hands-on treatments. Craniosacral therapy gives exactly that kind of care. Kinesiology is all about restoring health by hands-on testing to 'ask the body' what's needed for the person. The foundational training for kinesiology is called 'Touch for Health' and does exactly what it says. Both kinesiology and craniosacral therapy were developed by chiropractors and kinesiology has the added benefit of working with the acupuncture meridians. To become a professional craniosacral therapist or kinesiologist takes at least two-years, but Touch for Health can be learnt over a few days and is safe and gentle for use at home or at work, for yourself or others. As the realities of financial considerations affect the choices we make in healthcare, it is possible for everyone to learn to give the care that doctors can't give - time and hands-on contact.
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