In the Newsletter posted out to my current clients last week, I wrote about the value of money. I reflected on the times when money robs us of our joy and diminishes our true self, such as working for money at something you don't enjoy and may even struggle with in some way. I've recently re-read 'The Money or Your Life' by John Clark, which I first read in 2000 when I was employed in the financial services industry. He writes about leaving behind the angst of working for money in a job or profession that leaves you exhausted, miserable or anxious. He recommends aiming for bliss by shifting your focus into the domain of interests and activities that you really love and little by little moving into this domain as your place of work. Reading it now, having made that transition into the domain of helping people to develop their true, healthier self, I see how our finances reflect our soul and that the clue is in our body. In recent weeks, I've worked with several craniosacral therapy clients who are working on generating more income. Because I work at the soul energy level, I look for the answers in their mind/body connections, to see how their flow of financial affluence can be increased at the central organising point of the body/mind manifestation. Some examples of blockages to affluence were: a wall of tension at the front of the body, caused by an abusive ex-spouse; hardness in the lower back, caused by 'back stabbing' gossip by a previous employer; and abdominal pain rooted in childhood neglect. Using verbal dialogue and following the visions I was receiving in each of these cases, the hands-on work safely released the embodied blockages. In each of the examples above, there was a specific way forward into greater affluence: realising their current partner wasn't trying to take from them financially; self-employment was a calculated, manageable risk worth taking; and having time at home to completely relax is essential not time-wasting. Each client left refreshed, with their next steps towards affluence clearly identified. Lack of money, fear of spending or tensions between people over finances, all reflect a wounding in your soul. Pathway Balancing craniosacral therapy addresses issues that help your soul, mind, emotions, body systems and finances to flow in a healthier alignment, dissolving blockages.
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Call Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail for soul therapy as an individual or to book onto the 14th January's Soul Journey workshop.