As brighter days start coming and the weather stays above freezing, there is a sense of winter thawing out and beginning to pull away. I've noticed birdsong in the past day or two. Clients are coming for their first treatments since their Christmas & New Year holidays. Whether the holidays were wonderful or awful, there is now a common theme of moving forward into new beginnings, better health and restoration in relationships. This might be what we have in mind but the body is often on a different wavelength altogether. When regular treatments begin to take effect, we see the desired changes happening in ourselves and our circumstances. The flow of health, radiance and trust in the divine source of providence begins moving us deeper into our own personal Promised Land at last. At the same time, the body has a safe space in which to discharge and clear the dense, accumulated residues of the past. This can mean we still hold alot of tension and poor posture. If the negative circumstances of the past are still present in their closing stages, we might continue to experience headaches, insomnia, night sweats, a racing heartbeat or dry eyes. Like the winter, the deep, dense tissues of our body can take time thawing out and shaking off the past. With an hour a month of blissfully relaxing craniosacral therapy, this process can be much smoother and make more sense as we look back.
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