SJP4 - Power of the Heart - Dec 2011

This weekend was the first ever teaching of Soul Journey Practitioner 4 'Power of the Heart'. It was a profound experience to complete a course that didn't exist when we started out together. The first student made her initial enquiry in August 2007 and started training in March 2008 on the Touch for Health 1 course here. I first taught the original Pathway Balancing Kinesiology material in June 2005, so a course that was birthed on a summer solstice has come to completion around the time of the winter solstice. This Saturday was also a full moon, so many natural cycles co-incided with the fulfilment of a long-held vision. The Pathway Balancing Soul Journey structure is now complete and from here on will be consolidated and filled from the top down. Most of the weekend involved raising our awareness at the highest Transcendent Level - 'Completion of the Journey of the Soul'. With each of us gaining very specific insights as to the way ahead for the new year - everyone had a list of things to do as their next steps for realising their own personal vision, which was so empowering. While Saturday felt like a completion of our journey, Sunday became a time for new beginnings with new material being added to the newest manual in the Pathway Balancing collection - 'Healing the Soul'. There was a specific method of healing with colour that was added to the 'menu' in this new manual. Another subject added was 'Zeroing in on Divine Power', which really unlocked stuck energy to clear away many root causes of self-sabotaging patterns held in the mind, emotions and body. The weekend came to completion as we looked at an abstract painting by Corrina Kennedy called 'Turning Tide' and took in the power and beauty of the sparkling image. A description of the symbolism and meaning of this painting was another entry to the Healing the Soul manual. It brought our training weekend to a close with the positive message that the tide is turning and we need to get prepared for the new wave of power, wholeheartedness and loving awareness that's on it's way.

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To become one of the next wave of Soul Journey Practitioners, sign up for the Touch for Health 1 weekend on 28th/29th January 2012. Call Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail Booking deposit £60 (non-refundable).