This weekend was the first training course for Pathway Balancing Soul Journey Practitioners. The course is a post-graduate training for Pathway Balancing Kinesiologists who are looking to work with the complete Soul Journey material that will enable them and their clients to live at a higher level of spiritual awareness. This weekend was about developing the energy and awareness to live at the Level of 'Heaven on Earth' and we discovered what a lovely place this was for each of us. The main issue that prevented this way of life manifesting was the need for more money. Using the Pathway Balancing materials and techniques we were able to find the root causes of this issue and by the end of the training, each person had a specific method for resolving their current financial problem and had the positive energy needed to carry it through. By clearing and grounding the economic issues at hand, the energy levels were released to rise up and open to a much more beautiful energy that really deepened for us the next day. To embody a life of Heaven on Earth we need regular times of replenishment in actual places that hold and provide a sense of Paradise for us. We need to experience peace as much as possible and there has to be a place of safety and abundance for us to fill up from, if we are to build and maintain a lasting sense of heavenly ease. Such places might be an hour in a meditation group, a morning at a vibrant spirit-filled church, a week away on a therapeutic retreat - and we all agreed it was bliss to spend our weekend together exploring the soul's journey with Pathway Balancing. The high level energies experienced over the weekend gave us all a profound sense of belonging, and expanded the work of Pathway Balancing out to new boundaries. After our afternoon break for hot-cross buns and tea we completed our work on the new Pearls of Wisdom manual with an entry that described the way to complete wholeness and an unconditional expression of ourselves. We continue our Journey to the level of The Dreamweaver on the 11th & 12th of June 2011.
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There is a new group forming to start their journey through the Pathway Balancing system together on 4th & 5th June 2011 - join us for the adventure and companionship. Send your £60 deposit now to secure your place.