There were three people at this month's Soul Journey Day, including two first-timers who'd travelled to Peterborough from the Birmingham area. We were initially aware of negative energy - from the relentless grey weather to doom & gloom media reports. How do we deal with the realities of rising petrol prices yet not fall into the fear-based negative spirit that comes against us? How do we help others and how do we move forward at this time of the New Moon? As the morning progressed and we began the energy balancing work, particular themes emerged. There are times of waiting & not getting on as fast as we'd like, yet also the energy & willingness is there. A sign of healthy development is a flexibilty in boundaries, connections & timing and a capacity to trust that you don't always have to do very much more. In the afternoon, the energy began to move in a new direction. When we experience loving & being loved with gentleness & tenderness, we are able to release the emotional backlog of past hurts and have our deepest needs heard. This love might come from a pet, from friends or from a spiritually like-minded group and eventually progress towards a more intimate close relationship with a partner. Seeing ourselves as precious enables us to be nurtured. We are able to mark time by enjoying doing all sorts of good things. Treasuring every moment of every day is happiness personified. The Soul Journey Day had been one of laughter and joy in each others company. We had all learnt so much from each other as we'd journeyed on our life path together for that day. Join us on the next one Saturday 21st May 2011
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