An important aspect of the Pathway Balancing Kinesiology Journey is identifying and building a person's dream into a reality. This week we held the first PBK Practitioner Update Day for those qualified and practising as Pathway Balancing Kinesiologists and the bulk of new material given out was for the Healing the Soul manual and The Dreamweaver Level of the Journey. As any dream builds into reality, it looks and feels different from the way we imagined it would be. It may take years of planning, preparation and activity to create a sound base for your dream. There can come a point of zero-state, where suddenly you realise you've carried out all your plans, ticked-off the major points on your 'To Do List' and now all you can do is maintain the dream you've created and see what happens next. This zero-state turning point is the place to review and restructure the reality of your dream life. The Pathway Balancing Journey provides the awareness and energy-building that's needed for this defining moment.
Gateway 41 in The Dreamweaver Level is called 'Embracing Heart's Desire' and we received a whole new 'download' of Divine revelation for the Overview of this Gateway on the Update Day. It was about clearing away the residues of past wounds to our heart and preparing the ground for our new life to manifest. Part of this work involves healing our nervous system and sometimes we need space, rest and quiet times to help this process. The new 'downloads' we received for the 'Healing the Soul' manual revealed that we need to 'Release Patterns of Toxicity for New Beginnings' and that 'Your Heart Knows Your Destiny through Peace and Joy'. A great piece of wisdom in this new material told us that 'your destiny is inextricably linked with so many others that it cannot possibly unfold at exactly the pace that is ideal for you'. So we must accept times that are quieter or busier than we would like as the multifaceted dream takes shape. To restructure the dream, we must let go of old pictures of how we wanted our life to be. We must drink in all the goodness that God has provided for us. Our hearts can open again to the greater truth of who we are now, as a result of the refining process of going for our dreams. We are stronger because of our journey on the mountain path and have found the courage to live the truth. We are free to be who God designed us to be because we have surrendered the illusion of control and exchanged it for the truth of loving life as it flows and sparkles around us.
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To discover and build your dream into a reality, contact me on Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire UK