I've started reading a book called 'Living the Dream' by Dr Dave Smith. It's based on the story of Joseph - he of the many-coloured coat, as told in the Book of Genesis. Dave Smith is certainly living his dream, so I am curious to learn more from him and Joseph, so that I can live mine more fully. The first chapter of the book is called 'Dream the Dream' and is about identifying the dream that your soul brought into this world. If the dream came from God, rather than your own teenage fantasies or the projections of others, it will have a compelling power that will draw you towards your destiny, step by step, day by day, life event by life event. Meditating on this in my garden this morning, I realise my heart's dream is for lost soul's - those who've lost their way in life, lost their dream, lost track of their destiny and become hurt and damaged along the way. My work, my dream, is to offer something, a place, a way, that allows lost souls to find their way back home again - a place where they can heal, find guidance, support, encouragement and gather the strength to go on their way again, empowered to fulfil their unique destiny. Each soul is uniquely valuable to the fabric of life on this earth. Humans and animals are souls and the way a person or society treats its animals is a reflection of how they will treat other people. Human beings are said to be made in the image of God, so the relationship of a society to the Divine presence can also reflect the way the members of that society are treated. What is it in our society, land or culture that troubles you the most? Finding the answer that touches your heart can give you an indication of the purpose you came to fulfil. Is it cruelty or neglect of the vulnerable - children, animals, the very elderly - that troubles you? If so, is there an area of employment that would fulfil your longing to change this? Are you seeking a spiritual truth, a way of life and set of principles that will guide you through the moral, relational and financial maze of today's world? Whatever your question in regard to your dream, you will need to prepare for living that dream, way ahead of its fulfilment. This preparation needs time, space, research and guidance from the Divine source of that dream. There are many pathways that prepare us for living the dream and Pathway Balancing offers a place and a system for discovering exactly who you are and the truth of the dream you hold.
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