Planning, Preparation & Pacing

Many people want to 'live the dream' but not all people have a dream or vision for their lives, business or nation. Of those that have, many remain as 'dreamers', wishing the right chance would come their way, or thinking 'if only...' or 'when I.... then I....' The long sunny days of April and the celebrations of the Royal Wedding may have given you time and inspiration for your dreams and visions. Perhaps part of your dream is to leave the office behind and be free to work as a holistic therapist. If so, then it is time to create, or update, your written plan to make your dream a reality. For my personal vision for the year ahead, I set ten goals that I want to achieve and a set of guidelines on how to reach those goals. I review this document at the start of every week to keep myself on track. As a complementary therapy teacher and practitioner, I also create a written vision and plan for my work. However, I'm not in control of the outcome! Many therapists believe 'the universe' will simply attract the right people to them at the right time and I believe there is some truth to this. I believe we attract, and see, reflections of our soul around us all the time. So if our soul has wounds or areas of weakness, these will be manifested around us in our daily life. To realise our dream, we need to take action that will produce fruit for us and others. We need to write down a specific plan and then carry out the necesary preparations for those plans to manifest. Finally we have to pace ourselves in line with our internal energies and the seasons, opportunities and synchronicity of life as it unfolds. Look around you today and respond to the divine provision for your life and dreams.

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For support, healing or guidance for your soul and vision, contact Corrina on 01733 555 133 or