Is there something in your past that you would like to be free from? Well the good news is that, by definition, you are free already. The past is behind you. It has passed. That time in your life has now gone. So really the problem is not in our past but in the present. It's the current effect from our past that can cause us problems. A friend of mine calls it "legacy", while I see it as "residue". More good news is that we can deal with what's happening in the present, which empowers us to gain greater freedom from our unwanted history. Think about something unsatisfying in your life today that is the result of your past. Dealing with this residue, or legacy, today will produce a better future for you tomorrow and into the year ahead.
Victim or Victor?
A victim has been hurt, harmed or damaged by someone, or something, more powerful than they were at that time. There is an element of unfairness about being discriminated against, or randomly injured by events beyond their control. A victim may have been insulted, treated coarsely or improperly, subjected to maltreatment or even cruelty. Such experiences are not to be dismissed or treated lightly, by either the victim or those who are now helping them. Regardless of how the circumstances may appear to those on the outside, it is the perception and feelings of the victim that call for compassion and kindness. The first step in moving on from being a victim is being safe. The threat, or incident, must have passed and now be over. There needs to be a place of safety, with clear, firm, secure boundaries. This safe zone is the beginning of a journey to freedom.
A victor has overcome an enemy or adversary. They have won the victory. They have conquered and triumphed in the face of adversity, conflict or struggle. So a victim can actually go on to be a victor. A victor is able to expand beyond their safe boundaries, holding firm to a stable base or platform. A victim regains their power when they take responsibility for their position and begin to harness resources. This is a time for connecting with people who support you and will cheer you on and even give practical help or wise advice. Work with what you have and start from where you are. It is time to watch for signs of growth, new beginnings, upward shifts in circumstances and days of feeling good about yourself and your life. This is a place of recovery but it is not the full picture of true freedom from a bad history.
More Than Conquerors
In the Book of Romans, the theme is one of spiritual power overcoming the oppressors of this world. The Roman Empire conquered the Hebrew, Celtic and other nations. They imposed taxes on the people they ruled over, making them virtual slaves. To ensure compliance, the Roman government devised the most painful, prolonged and publicly humiliating form of execution that their technology could produce, called crucifixion - but by law it could not be used on a Roman Citizen. In Chapter 8, the leader of the spiritual movement against this worldly oppression says to the people "Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory". To be more than a conqueror, there has to be more than just safety, recovery, stability and support. At the end of World War 2 in Europe, when victory was won for the British people, there was peace. However, there was also desolation, loss and damage. To really enjoy true freedom and real victory, the people had to start rebuilding the homes, cultivating the land and getting produce out into the shops again. There was even a 'baby boom' with record numbers of babies being born between 1946 and 1964 - me included! By the 1950's and 1960's the nation was thriving, the economy was booming and the people enjoyed prosperity and the rewards of victory.
So to gain not just freedom from your past but also the rewards of victory, residues from the past have to be transformed. It's time to reappraise your position, from victim to victor. The key is to see the gift that has come from the struggle. A bodybuilder will use weight training, which actually breaks down their muscles. In the struggle to lift a heavy weight, and repeatedly lift the same weight again and again, the muscle fibres actually break down and tear. It is in the rest and recovery afterwards, that the muscles rebuild - but this time bigger and stronger than they were before the struggle. So it's time to own the strength and confidence of being victorious. When your body was being formed in the process of conception, the egg took in the weight of genetic material from the victorious sperm. If she held on to all this material, there would be too much information and the fertilized ovum would collapse and degenerate. So for a few minutes only, the egg begins to 'spit out' some of the excess chromosomes that your soul doesn't want from your ancestral lineage. In the same way today, it's time to stop holding onto too much baggage, residue or ancestral legacy. What was that situation you thought of that you want to put firmly in your past? How have you inherited this legacy from your family of origin? Spit out those habits and patterns. Forgive and let go. Start to 'Dig for Victory' and cultivate the resources you have to hand. Share the rewards of victory with those who appreciate life and freedom too. The old has gone, the new has come.
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Babette Rothschild's book Volume 2 of 'The Body Remembers' gives an in depth study of the importance of stability and resources for overcoming a difficult past.