Finding Freedom From Over-Responsibility

In last week's Touch for Health kinesiology training we worked with an energy balancing technique called Emotional Stress Release or ESR. This method uses very light contact on specific points on the head. The points have been scientifically measured to show an increase in blood circulation to the frontal lobes of the brain when the ESR points are lightly held for a few seconds or minutes. The process of Emotional Stress Release uses kinesiology muscle-testing to find out which stressful situation is causing an energy weakness or 'switch-off' in a person. When we are overwhelmed by our thoughts and feelings during a stressful time, this further weakens our ability to respond in a helpful or clear way. Having a kinesiologist work with the ESR points has an amazing effect on our thinking, feelings and energy levels.

Taking responsibility in a crisis can be admirable and effective. However, there are many of us who tend towards over-responsibility and this is unhealthy for everyone involved. Over-responsible people are always looking for ways to sort things out, to show other people a better way of doing things, thinking about how a situation might go or what should have been done to prevent something going wrong. Over-responsible people constantly analyse the causes of a problem and construct solutions or make rules to keep things in order. Perfectionism, unrealistically high expectations, naivety and fantasies are common in an over-responsible person. This way of being results in poor sleep, poor eating habits and digestion, exhaustion, burn-out, depression and difficulty in relationships. The Emotional Stress Release process can help with finding freedom from such patterns of over-responsibility and its principles can be extended into daily life to deepen the change. In our relationships and activities we need to apply the principle of light contact. In other words, we need to live with more tenderness towards ourselves and others. Drop rigid rules and any attempts to sort other people out. Allow others to make their own choices and choose how to respond in the light of your own needs as well as theirs. Maintain contact and relationship but wait and take some space too, until the situation resolves with more certainty. Tenderness is the pathway to finding freedom from over-responsibility.

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For help with Emotional Stress Release contact Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK