Coming Ashore to New Beginnings

Just had an amazing 3 days teaching Pathway Balancing Kinesiology here in Peterborough. As usual, the cutting-edge material in this system has been added to through our work together. The main trend throughout the 3 days was for Healing the Soul - the title of the Pathway Balancing manual that describes a place we reach once we've overcome a 'mountain' that was an obstacle to our destiny. We added to a new part of the manual called 'Coming Ashore' - a theme for many clients of Pathway Balancing at the moment. It signals an end to a stormy period of ebb and flow and the start of a safer time of richer, healthier, flowing possibilities in a person's life. The energies of our collective work calibrated at 826 (of 1000) in the Enlightenment range of the Power scale, as described by Dr David Hawkins in his book 'Power vs. Force'. We needed to clear a lot of ancestral patterns and embodied negative emotional energy over the first 2 days. One of the great things about kinesiology is the beautiful way it deals with energy that's no longer helpful - gently, with lovely remedies and comforting bodywork techniques. By the 3rd day we were clear to receive 'downloads' of positive information on the way forward - for ourselves as individuals and for Pathway Balancing as a system. So what new beginnings lie ahead in the coming months? The Clearing 'Planetary Transformation', which lies behind Gateway 2 'Manifesting the Spirit' had all it's last remaining Steps named. This Clearing is about 'Expressing the inner fire. Having access to our full power' and the journey along this Pathway gave us incredible revelations about the year ahead. The details of these revelations will be shared more fully with the Pathway Balancing Associates at our meeting next month, plus with the Diploma students attending their next training days later this week, but watch this space for exciting news about the coming winter solstice of 21/12/2012! For clients, there is now more information in the whole system for guiding each of us closer to our destiny and enabling us to tap into the power to make our dreams possible and make our potential a reality.

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To book an individual session, or become part of the next group on the Diploma training course, e-mail today. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK.