One of the books on the Recommended Reading List for the Pathway Balancing Soul Journey Practitioner course is 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle - a life transforming book that teaches us to be present in the moment, in the now. Chapter 5 'The State of Presence' tells us about the art of waiting and uses some of the parables given by Jesus as examples. The chapter describes a state of waiting that is a state of awareness and continual preparation for fulfilment and enlightenment. During last week's Soul Journey training, we experienced states of being in the 'presence moment'. These were times of intense awareness of the presence of Divine power pouring into our work, our minds, our bodies, the room and filling us with deep peace and intense revelations. The first two days took us into the place of 'Healing of the Soul' and raised our work to between 612 and 1000 on the scale of consciousness defined by Dr David R. Hawkins. On the third day we began to come down the Pathway Balancing mountain and ground these experiences and revelations into Level 3 'The Nation' and Level 5 'Dreamweaver'. We named a Gateway, opened new Directions and filled in whole Pathways in other Directions. Overall the teachings were a time of being immersed in the presence moment and a period of intense refinement, bring up old tensions, toxins, memories and dreams that were ready to surface and be transformed. Today's waning moon phase is a time of review and assessment in the light of these three days of refinement that were preceded by two days of teachings at 'The Community' Level 2 of the Pathway Balancing mountain.
After the refinement of such pure gold, so much wisdom and healing, comes a time of defining, shaping, preparing for the fulfilment of purpose. People can see us more clearly when we shine our light, define ourselves by our values and actions and hold our ground in the face of opposition. To do these things takes courage and strength. We must be well rooted in a source of power that we have learnt to trust. If our sense of security and worth is centred in our self, our possessions, or created structures and organisations, we may limit our capacity for realising the dream and for fulfilling more of our potential. By connecting to the source of creation we can open up to more power and can position ourselves to receive all that we need to flourish. Being in the presence moment means being filled with power and being intelligently alert, as one of the students put it. We might access this state in silence and stillness, perhaps by listening to beautiful music or taking in the beauty of our surroundings. However the presence moment is also an active state, a time to get on with our work, engage with people or get ourselves better organised. The presence moment means we are intensely aware of the present and intelligently aware that this is a wave of change. Being aware of and connected to Divine power as our source for life, means being in the bliss of knowing your God has you in the palm of His hand, in whatever way you understand that to be. When we can trust that our God is holding us securely, we can enjoy the bliss of being fully alive and can engage in the task of preparing to flourish right where our God has placed us.
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Pathway Balancing Soul Journeys can be experienced in 1-2 hour individual sessions, on 1 day retreats or over a 2-3 year group training. Contact us for bookings on Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire UK.