Balancing mind and emotions

Forgiveness Frees You from Rejection

Last Saturday I was a Helper on a training course at the KingsGate Centre in Peterborough. I expected it to be a good day as I'd been a participant on the course last year. We all learnt something from each of the days' speakers and many of us experienced healing at the spiritual and emotional levels. The first subject of the day was reconnection with unconditional Divine love and how this can be blocked by earlier experiences of conditional human love. The imperfect relationships we establish with each other throughout life can leave us with unresolved feelings of rejection. These unresolved emotions can leave a root of bitterness in us that can damage current relationships, unless they are rooted out and cleared. An important aspect of therapy at Pathway Balancing is the clearing of the emotional layer of energy. This layer energetically connects the mind with the body. If the emotions from the past are unresolved they can have an impact that reduces our physical energy, making it harder to get up in the mornings for example. A clogged emotional layer can produce cloudy, unclear thinking or a mental focus on anxious imaginings. Forgiveness releases us from old attachments that can keep us stuck in the past. Forgiveness, when someone has let you down, can be a difficult process. You may feel safer doing this with an experienced practitioner to guide and support you. The peace and clarity that comes as a result is well worth the journey. Begin it now.

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Day and evening appointments are available at Pathway Balancing now.

The Value of Relationships

What do you need in your life right now - specifically? Many people today want more money. The advertising media might say it's sex. Everyone has an appetite for food at some time. These needs and many others can often be a displaced need for real and healthy relationships. I still remember a colleague saying the needs we have as a baby are pretty much the same as when we are adults - food, holding, face to face contact, warmth, a clean and comfortable place to rest, interesting sounds and sights etc. No one goes through life having every need met in the right way or at the right time - or do we? It's true that so much reactive behaviour and destructive patterning is the result of hurtful or inadequate relationships in our past, but how do we go forward into healthier and truly valuable relationships from today? Our lives depend on successful relationships right from the moment of conception, when our egg chooses which sperm it will accept at its corona radiata. The ability to discern which behaviour is harmful and which is nurturing is essential to making a good choice - as is the ability to wait and trust that you can receive the best for you. So even an unpleasant interaction can be helpful in showing you that this person may not really value who you are - so you may choose to withdraw or to confront them with the way their behaviour has made you feel.

When there is space between us and other people, the one relationship that is always available to us is with our divine creator. We can seek this power in the natural world around us and in the very air we breathe. The more we know how uniquely valuable we are to the creator of all things, the more we can hold our own unique value in human relationships. Whatever our needs are right now, they are all supplied within our relationships - with the divine, with the natural environment and with one another. The value of relationships is without price.

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Meet with others exploring soul-level relationships at the next Soul Journey Days - Saturday 5th March and Saturday 21st May 2011

Cutting Soul Ties

Soul ties are strong, deep, energy bonds formed at the soul level between two people. Two of the ways they are formed are by sexual relationship or by covenant relationship, such as marriage. Once these ties are in place, through marriage or sexual intercourse, they act as an open energetic and spiritual pipeline between the two people. This means that whatever happens on a subtle or spiritual level to one person will have a corresponding effect on the other. The ties are not limited by time or distance and remain in place for life, unless broken off by spiritual deliverance. Cutting soul ties sets you free to experience a new life of freedom from the past and reconnection with your divine destiny. There are a number of ways to cut & clear soul ties from your life. It is a process carried out in a safe, trusted relationship with a practitioner working at the soul level. An internationally recognised programme for identifying and removing soul ties is the Cleansing Streams course, which is available around the UK. At Pathway Balancing, the Journey tracks the soul's energetic pathway and enables the Healing process to work at a deep level, uprooting attachments from the past that could be holding you back in the present situation. If you are at a major crossroads - or perhaps a roundabout - on your life path, cutting soul ties could be the release you need to allow beauty, peace and fulfilment to flow into your life and the A1 divine good plan for your life and purpose to unfold.

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Watching the Undertow

During a course of therapy, whether to overcome depression, trauma, back pain or for personal development, clients need to learn to watch the undertow. As treatment progresses over the weeks and months, there are wonderful times of breakthrough, healing and re-energising. This flushing through of vitality, fluids and raised awareness clears out the rubbish that held the source of the painful symptoms. The more often this happens, the stronger the person becomes, developing the lifestyle they are aiming for. Without proper awareness, the undertow can knock someone off balance and cause them to think the therapy isn't working. When a wave breaks on the sea shore, it is followed by the water pulling back into the sea. This seaward current is called the undertow and often leaves a trail of seaweed, shells or litter on the sand - until a fresh wave comes to wash over it again. In therapy, the undertow is the wave of old symptoms, behavioural patterns or unhappy emotions that wash to the surface as treatment progresses. Don't get sucked in or pulled under by these old strands of the past.  Just acknowledge them and remember you used to feel like this all the time, only it was worse back then. Take a deep breath in and out, lift your head up and know how far you've come. Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice of 2010 and a Full Moon. The tide is turning.

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Inside Your Winter Cocoon

With all this snow and cold weather around it's a good time to heal and strengthen mind, body & spirit. Before a caterpillar emerges as a nectar-sipping butterfly, it draws into a protective cocoon that looks dead and still on the outside. Inside there is a miracle taking place - a process still beyond the understanding of scientists. Soul therapy at Pathway Balancing also works to transform mind, body & spirit from the inside. These changes slowly emerge and change the situations around us that may be causing pain of any kind from back pain to depression. Our bodies may act as a cocoon for our unresolved emotions. Until the strands of these old patterns are unwound and dissolved, we can get stuck in unsatisfactory relationships. Craniosacral therapy uses the natural fluid tides to open up old tensions and free us to persue new options. Kinesiology strengthens energy in specific areas of our life, such as those identified in the Clearing behind Gateway 37, about being real and being true to ourselves and others in the ebb and flow of life's seasons of prosperity. Both individual therapy and the soul journey days lead us closer to the truth of who we are.

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